Rosella Jam

Before coming to Australia, I have never heard of the plant Rosella or of the bird for that matter!

This year is my first year growing Rosellas and it’s been great!
I love that they grow as big bushes and I love the flowers. You will notice that the plant ressembles to the okra plant: same height, shape, very similar flowers, both loving very hot climate. They are indeed in the same family of the Malvacae!

Here are my tips on growing them:

Rosella growing tips

I have been harvesting them and popping them in the freezer all summer long and I think it’s now time to pull out my (3) plants and start making jam! I’m very excited as I have never taste it! I’ll let you know how I go on my social accounts ;) here is the illustrated recipe I will follow from the Seed Collection website.

Edit: photos of the jam session!

Rosella Processing
So Yummy!

So Yummy!

Do you grow rosellas?

Do you have tips you would like to share?

Let me know in the comment section!


Salisbury Community Garden Mural #1


Lettuce Romaine Calm