I love that beet!

This weather is just perfect for beetroots! Yay!

Although you can technically plant beetroots all year round in South East Queensland, I noticed my beetroots are flourishing at this time of the year!

I planted some more last week… nothing better than fresh beetroots!


And then? I like to cook them in the pressure cooker for a ‘quick’ 20 min (just like that, no grating, just cutting the leaves out). After cooling them down, you can easily remove the skin by hand and cut them up in little cubes. Some mustard/olive oil/balsamic vinegar salad dressing… yum! For a fancier salad, add nuts, rocket leaves, goat cheese, pomegranate… even yummier!

I have started grating the odd beetroot into salads, to add some colours (but mostly because I can’t bother cooking 1 beetroot! Haha)

What about you? Do you like beetroots?

Have you tried growing them?

How do you like eating them?


Lettuce Romaine Calm


What do I plant now?