March in my Garden

This month of March has been very wet, not that I complain! I just had to delay my garlic planting of a few weeks otherwise the garlic would have rotten…

March in my garden.jpg

I’m trying to grow chicory for the first time. I grew them from seeds over the summer and now I‘m blanching them (aka cutting the leaves off and growing them in the dark). We shall see how it works out!

The sweet potato harvest has been incredible! They grow very easily all year round in Brisbane, provided they are full sun.

The mint cordial recipe couldn’t be more simple and it’s so good! (Alternatively, the mint could be used in Mojitos! Haha!)

Mint Cordial recipe.jpg

Enjoy the warm weather and the lockdown in Brisbane to spend some time in the garden, weeding, preparing beds, planting seeds… I know that’s what I’ll be doing!

Have a great day!



A Community Seed Library