Lettuce Romaine Calm

The cold season is upon us in Brisbane and I love it! Finally I get to wear cozy jumpers, pretty boots. The marshmallows are burning on the fire. Sometimes there is fog when you wake up.

It’s all lovely because it doesn’t last long! Plus, the weather during the day is still pretty good. I consider myself very lucky to be living in South East Queensland!

Lettuce talk garden!

This time of the year is perfect for sowing/ planting salad greens of all sorts. These guys tend to bolt (grow really tall and go to seeds) when the weather is hot.


Here is my take on how to grow Lettuce!

I like to let at least one lettuce go to seed so I have my seeds the the following year! One lettuce = a million seeds!

Also check out :

>> how to grow beetroot <<

>> how to grow peas <<

>> how to grow cabbage <<

What’s your favorite salad greens? I’m curious!


Rosella Jam


I love that beet!